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Agora Gallery
Summer Showcase Exhibition August 2019
Crack story series
Crack story series is a large body of work which some part was showcased in an exhibition themed "Summer show case" in New york, where Agora gallery first gave Chinemerem a warm welcome.
Title: Anchor of fog (The man in the mirror)
Medium: caked oil on canvas
Size : 36x48
Year : 2019
Title: In the phase of waning emotions an enduring mind lives.
Medium: oil on canvas
Year: 2018
Size: 30x30
Title : Enough to choke a horse (Anatomy of hope)
Medium : Oil on canvas
Year: 2016
Size: 48x24
Title: If it was just darkness
Medium: oil on canvas
year: 2017
Size: 24x36
Title : Culture or nature ?
Size : 48x72
Meduim : oil on canvas
Year : 2018
Title: Pain of man's dominance.
Meduim : caked oil on canvas
Size : 16x36
Year: 2018
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